Check out my zoom with my amazing friend Bryce Astill, a meditation teacher, as we discuss mindfulness and meditation and how this practice cultivates presence, awareness, deep sensation, equanimity, and breath! All of these things lead to better connection and more...
Welcome to our first Love Deep Tantalizing Tuesday Monthly Newsletter! Each month we will highlight a different topic and dive in to it a bit. We figured we would start with the massive “elephant in the...
I know that might seem like a heavy or laborious topic but I can guarantee you it is quite the opposite!! After a divorce or ending of a long-term partnership is the PERFECT time to create the sort of sensuality/sexuality you want in your life. You get to create the...
Often clients begin working with me because he/she/they have an area or two of life that they want to improve or alter, and in my delicious world, those areas are always pertaining to the realm of sex, love and relationships! Although this may be “spicier” than many...
Expectations are based in desire but often built on “story”. We have a story that will play out in our expectations (sometimes unconsciously) until we bring that story in to light. Expectations also almost always contain the elements of fear and assumption. Often we...