Want to feel sexy again?

Did you know being healthier makes you feel sexier?

And feeling sexy makes you more healthy!

This week, from the jungle of Costa Rica, we explore:

  • 5 ways to feel sexier inspired by the Pura Vida way of living
  • 5 ways to enjoy life and feel more pleasure
  • The science behind health and sexiness 

For additional tips and guidance, download our complimentary e-book “Sacred Sexuality 101” at https://lovedeeplab.com/start-here/

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Thank you for being brave in opening your hearts to LOVE DEEP!!
See you next week…. And until then stay sexy… Because you already are!!

    Deep love and honoring,

    Episode Transcript



    sexiness, sexy, Costa Rica, life, feel, sacredness, talk, today, sex, healthier, jungle, inspired, leads, thoughtful, treating, plastics, eating, Costa Rican, exercise, relaxation


    Dr. Stormy 

    I’m your host, Dr. Stormy. Welcome to the Love Deep podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in today. Today we are going to talk about being healthier and to feel sexier. And also equally how it goes the other direction; about how feeling sexier helps you to be healthier in your life. And for those of you listening today, you can really hear jungle sounds. I’m in the jungle of Costa Rica right now and really blessed to be here with my partner. And for those of you watching, you can see the jungle behind us, so but of course, I had to wear a little sparkly top, because why not have a little sparkle in the jungle? So thanks for being here today.

    The Love Deep Lab podcast is all about science, sex, and sacredness. And we’re going to talk about all three of those aspects today in the realm of being healthier, to feel sexier, and being sexy to feel healthier. And the reason I’m coming to you from the jungle, besides that it’s just beautiful and amazing, is that I’m here in Costa Rica. I’m so inspired by my partner, my boyfriend. I have been so inspired by the way that they live down here. And so I wanted to share with you all, whether you’re in the jungle in Costa Rica, (which I highly recommend you visit if you can), or wherever you are. Just be inspired to live our lives healthier, to be sexier, and to live our lives sexier to be healthier.

    So, let’s talk a little bit about science. Costa Rica is one of the first five Blue Zones, a term coined by Dan Butner. He has found that the Blue Zones of the world are where people live the longest and are the healthiest. There are five in the whole world. Where we are in Costa Rica and Nicoya is one of them. I’ve taken some inspiration for being healthier to feel sexier from the Costa Rican people and from this Blue Zone. It is a plant-based diet. I don’t do a plant-based diet, but I just feel I’ve been eating so many delicious foods and eating so many amazing vegetables and I feel better.

    I feel sexier and healthier just being here for five days. So, just be inspired about really eating of the earth wherever you are. And I also want to just always say that, you know, no matter what means you have, no matter what your financial situation is, you can find small ways to add in healthier fruits and vegetables. And I know that I’m saying that coming from a place of white privilege, but it is possible, no matter what your situation is, to add in more plantbased things from the earth. Just like today, I had a beet juice, and it just felt so alive and magical. And I don’t even really like beets, but it was really amazing. So, a plantbased diet is number one.                                                                                                            

    Also, everyone is exercising regularly here in Costa Rica. Everyone is moving, walking, surfing, doing yoga. You know, it’s the local people, not just the tourists. We talked about exercise in one of the earlier episodes, how exercise makes us feel sexier. And the sexier we feel, the more we are motivated to exercise. So again, this is a two-way relationship.                                                                                   

     Here, in Costa Rica, they also drink alcohol very moderately. It’s so interesting to notice compared to other places I’ve been, for example, Mexico or other places in the United States. People here are more about drinking the smoothies and the juices, and eating the fruits. Then, they will be on the beach at sunset, and no one will have a cocktail. It’s just an interesting thing to note: moderate amounts of alcohol.

    Great sleep! We talked about that on an earlier episode, how sleep is really important to feel sexy. And so make sure you make sleep a priority.

    These five things I’m talking about right now came from the Costa Rican website. They really promote this here in the puravida way of living, which we’ll talk about in a moment. It’s a really deep spiritual and family social network. And you see that here in Costa Rica. I know it’s harder with pandemic times for all of us to find that, but just being committed to our spiritual and family and friends social network, is a way to actually feel sexier in life. It is just so inspiring and cool. So, you know, pura vida for you is a beautiful phrase you may have heard. They say that for everything; that it’s a way of life. It means pure life, but it means so much more than that. The Costa Ricans use it as a greeting. They use it as a no worries, no problems, sort of expression. It’s really meant to be like simple life, pure life. And so again, these tips came from this. So, this is another aspect of sacredness in Costa Rica. Their hearts are in the right place and they lead the world.                                                                         

    As for ecoconsciousness, they’re one of the most sustainable countries in the world. And they have an initiative in Costa Rica to be plastic free and carbon free by the end of 2021. There are no singleuse plastics in the country. It’s just an incredible way of treating our planet with sacredness. At the beach today, I saw a sign that said, plastics or planet, it’s time to choose. And this was just a handmade sign with plastics from the ocean at one of the little beaches today.                                        

    So, let’s talk about who you are versus how much you have. And this is on a Costa Rican website. I just was so inspired by taking care, by treating our earth as sacred, treating our bodies as sacred. And that’s one of the big tenants of Love Deep: adding sacredness back into life, back into sexuality, back into sex, and back into the bedroom. And so I have felt really inspired by our planet and how sacred she is and to take better care of her. And so pura vida: pure life, simple life. And again, these things came from a Costa Rican website talking about what does pura vida mean? Because you hear it all the time here in Costa Rica, and I just I love it. May we all be inspired by pura vida!

    They talk about a few things, focusing on what’s important: that it’s who you are versus how much you have. A lot of the locals don’t have a lot of financial means and yet they’re so friendly. And so they focus on what’s important, including our earth and protecting our earth.                                               

    Don’t sweat the small stuff is another thing that they that they really focus on. This one made me laugh.                                                                                                                                                                      

    The third thing is to stop and smell the volcanic soil cultivated coffee beans. So Costa Rica is known for its coffee and its volcanoes. But they talk about listening to the jungle sounds. Hopefully you will get to hear some of those sounds today and put your feet in the sand. And so again, if we’re not in a Costa Rican jungle, how can we stop and smell whatever our equivalent is of the volcanic soil and the coffee beans?                                                                                                                                           

    And the fourth way is to slow down. Don’t hurry through life; they call it Tico time. And I laughed when I was reading about it today. They were saying it’s not about being late. It’s about not even looking at your clock to begin with. And you know, that’s not really practical for much of our lives in the United States. But how inspiring to be less stuck to our phones and less aware, just being more in the flow of life. So, slowing down and not hurting, and then always taking time to relax. And again, this is from a national Costa Rican website. They said that you are important, too, and relaxation is not a luxury. And I just thought, how fabulous! So how can you relax? How can you treat yourself to relaxation as a way to feel sexier?                                                                                                                                    

    We’ve talked about science, and we’ve talked about sacredness. And the third thing we’re talking about is sex and sexiness. So, sexiness is a really big term, right? It means that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, thankfully, to each of us. What is sexy to one is not sexy to another, but I’m talking about you feeling sexy for yourself. Not necessarily what you find sexy in another, although that might fuel your sexiness. But how do you tap into feeling sexy and powerful? We know that a deeper sense of sexiness leads us to more confidence. And that leads us to deeper pleasures in all areas of life, including sexuality.

    Studies have found that certain things increase our feelings of sexiness. Health increases our feeling of sexiness but just as importantly, sexiness increases our desire to be healthy. So that reciprocity was so intriguing and exciting to me knowing that it’s a two-way street. Things like decreasing your stress. We talked about this in other episodes, about igniting your sex drive. But stress is a pleasure buster. Stress is a sexiness buster. We do not feel particularly sexy when we are stressed out. So look at your stress and find ways to mitigate your stress. Seeing things that are sexy, being around things that are sexy, feeling sexy, releases pleasure hormones and bonding hormones: dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin vasopressin, just to name a few. But feeling sexy absolutely releases these hormones. And so again, it’s a cycle. Sexiness feeds pleasure hormones, pleasure hormones feed sexiness. So, just knowing that helps us understand the science of this beautiful cycle of sexiness. The research shows that feeling sexy leads to better sex. Feeling sexy also leads to better orgasms, even more sex and better sex. Feeling sexy leads to more sex and better sex. Also, sex boosts our immune system. So, sex improves our immune system.

    Right now, during pandemic times, I think we all would love to feel that our immune system is a little honed up. So go and have consensual, safe sex to increase your immune system and your immune function.         

    Then focus on having a fit mind and body. According to different studies, (I was reading an article on Web MD today), a fit mind and body leads to more enjoyment in the body and in the bedroom. And people that are mentally and physically fit have better sex lives. So again, letting our health feed our sexiness but also letting the sexiness feed and motivate our health is how that goes both directions.                                                                                                         

    These are a few tips for today, and again, I’ve been inspired by Costa Rica. Right now, you can hopefully hear the cicadas behind me. It just is so alive. The jungle is so magical!               

    So, let’s talk about eating right. Now there’s not necessarily science that shows that a certain kind of diet leads to better performance in the bedroom. But we know that a poor diet leads to less sex and less fabulous sex, less satisfaction with sex. So, by eating right, we’ve been thoughtful about what we put into our bodies, the sacredness and awareness that our body is a temple. We are given one body on this earth, in our time on this earth, in our life, and we want to treat it with respect, and reverence, and awe. And when we don’t have any grace for that, we then can come back to eating right and treating our bodies as temples.                                             

    So, exercise, again, just to reiterate: 20 to 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise. It’s like a natural leg or boost. And there was a study I was reading today that said larger waist size is directly correlated to erectile dysfunction in men. So, if that wasn’t motivation enough just to have better sex! Think about being thoughtful and without shame or judgment, being thoughtful about your waistline and how circulation problems and challenges with heart disease can lead to erectile dysfunction. Larger waist size is correlated to more challenges with erectile dysfunction.                                                                                                            

    Then relaxation in our brain is the most important sex organ of all. So let yourself relax like the Costa Rican website encourages us to do.. Relaxation is not a luxury. Relaxation is an integral part of self-care. So sexy as a mindset, sexy as your mindset, as a way to stay healthy. Like for me putting on this sparkly top today, sitting here in the jungle with all the bugs and it all made me feel sexy. And I’m without a stitch of makeup on. I’ve gotten all sweaty because it’s hot as heck here in Costa Rica. But feeling sexy with sparkles make me feel sexy. What makes you feel sexy?                     

    Health is an integral part of our sexuality and our feeling of sexiness. So my sexuality does not determine my confidence. Let me say that again. My sexuality does not determine my confidence, but it fuels my confidence. So, my sexuality and my feeling sexy fuels my confidence, and then my confidence fuels my sexuality. Again, everything is in reciprocity.                       

    I’m just being thoughtful for you as you’re listening to this episode about health to spurn sexiness and sexiness to spurn health. I wanted to just come to you from the jungle of Costa Rica and share with you what’s been on my mind and heart these last few days while I’ve been on vacation. So pura vida: pure life, pure, simple life. 

    Thank you for listening today, and thank you for being brave and opening your hearts to love deep. See you next week.




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